Friday, March 20, 2009

BSG is ending....

Battlestar Galactica is ending tonight. I'm definitely watching the finale. It is bittersweet. BSG is one of the most interesting and dense series on television. It is one of the only things that SciFi (or soon to be SyFy) is actually doing right. It's a science fiction classic. It does all the things that scifi fans like me love, space battles, aliens and those frakkin' machines. It also has fantastic characters, plots that mirror society and make us think. I applaud the cast and crew of this show and wish everyone a lot of luck in their future endeavors. I'd be interested in seeing anything that this group puts together.

So, Battlestar Galactica I bid you adieu. It's been really nice getting to know you.

We are all just survivors searching for a home. All this has happened before, all this will happen again. So say we all.

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